
Business Plans 

Every business organization needs a plan.  Our consultants provide the planning expertise to help your team develop actionable plans supported by budgets, financial models, market research, and roadmaps.  We have worked with energy efficiency organizations, non-profits, and other organizations to assist them in developing and executing effective business plans.

Contact us for more information.


Linking energy efficiency data to other utility data sources is an increasingly targeted purpose of utility analytics. Whether it is forecasting energy efficiency program impacts on the distribution grid or creating more targeted market segments, The Forward Curve team has the experience to help you integrate your program data with internal and external sources in a design that will help you bring insight

Contact us for more information.



Process Development 

Operational processes are a specialty at The Forward Curve. Projects our consultants have engaged in include design and implementation of program development processes, alignment of operational processes across programs, and creating efficient processes using new software systems.

To understand more, contact us.

Technical Resource Manuals (TRM)  

Statewide TRMs provide utilities with certainty in regulatory proceedings by standardizing energy and demand savings calculations at a very detailed level.  At The Forward Curve, we have been involved in measure development for TRMs, as well as, interpretation of TRMs for configuration in DSM Tracking Systems and then testing those systems to ensure synchronization of systems with the relevant TRM formulas and calculations.

Contact us for more information.